Ryan Shepard
About Author
January 2, 2025

My Word for 2025 and How It’s Shaping My Year

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I am not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Every time I’ve tried them, I end up feeling like absolute shit when December rolls around, and I’ve inevitably accomplished, well, about 30% of what I set out to do. It’s a little like setting myself up for failure right out of the gate—a personal recipe for guilt and regret with a dash of self-loathing. So, a few years ago, I threw the whole concept in the trash and decided to pick a word instead—a word that represents how I want to feel, something I want to embody, or a quality I want to attract for the year ahead.

In 2024, I chose wellness. I picked this word because, after 2023—a year defined by pregnancy and a cancer diagnosis—I felt completely out of sync with myself. Wellness, for me, wasn’t just about physical health; it was about healing, reclaiming balance, and finding ways to nurture my mind, body, and spirit. It felt like a tall order, but looking back, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made and how deeply the word has guided me through the year.

Running my first race ever Peachtree Road Race

I ran three races—three! I logged more miles in 2024 than I have in my entire life (not exactly a high bar, but still). I’ve also kept a pretty regular Pilates schedule, minus the downtime after my breast implant surgery, of course. I cultivated a morning routine that feeds me mentally and spiritually. I take my supplements like clockwork, sip bone broth religiously (like I’m auditioning for a Goop commercial), and down tinctures like a fanatic hoping they’re doing something beneficial. I haven’t been a saint—there’s been wine, and plenty of it—but I’ve been drinking less overall, and I think I can confidently say I’ve lived by the word wellness, well (lol).

So, as I sat and thought about what I wanted my word for 2025 to be, the word alignment kept popping into my head.

What is alignment?

Alignment is when the pieces of your life work together smoothly—when your actions, choices, and priorities match what truly matters to you. It’s that sense of ease and clarity, like when everything just clicks, and you feel yourself moving in the right direction. This year, that sense of harmony feels more important than ever.

I'm using alignment to guide my actions in these areas of my life: 

  • Health: I’m focused on challenging my body in ways that feel kind and sustainable. I’ve already signed up for three races in 2025 (lawd Jesus help me), and I’m excited to see how far I can go—physically and mentally.
  • Balance: I don’t believe in perfect balance (because what even is that?), but I want to get better at aligning my priorities so that I feel fulfilled without being constantly overwhelmed. This means continuing to work on my mental health and making sure I’m not just surviving, but actually enjoying my life.
  • Motherhood: I want to show up for my girls—to be present, patient, and playful. That’s the kind of mom I want to be, and alignment means making choices that prioritize them while still ensuring I care for my own well-being and needs.
  • My Marriage: Being a wife to Shep is one of the most meaningful parts of my life, and I want our partnership to feel connected and intentional as we continue to navigate life together.
  • Faith: I want to dive deeper into my faith and let it guide me, even (or especially) when life gets messy.
  • Friendships and Family: Alignment here means being intentional about the relationships I invest in—pouring into the people who pour back into me. It means showing up in ways that feel good and honoring the boundaries that keep me whole.
  • Work: I love this space we’ve built together, and I want to make sure the work I do aligns with my values, my creativity, and my goals. That means doing what I say I will do, delivering the content we’ve agreed on, and not biting off more than I can chew. I want to stay consistent, intentional, and focused—while still allowing myself time to rest, recharge, and not burn out.

I’m excited to see where this word takes me. Alignment doesn’t mean perfection. It’s not about getting everything right or having it all figured out. Sometimes, alignment just means showing up consistently—like choosing rest when you need it, finishing the things you start, or letting a messy but meaningful moment be 'good enough' instead of perfect. It’s about making sure the things I’m doing and the way I’m living match up with who I want to be.

If you’re inspired to pick a word for 2025 too, I’d love to hear it. I was inspired by Alex Hill of JustAddHotSauce to order a few bracelets from the Little Words Project. If you’re unfamiliar, the company makes customizable bracelets with words on them to inspire and empower you throughout the year. It’s such a simple but meaningful way to carry your word with you every day. I’ll be wearing alignment on my wrist all year long as a little reminder to keep showing up for myself and the life I want.

I customized two different bracelets and put Jeremiah 29:11 on one (y'all know that's my scripture) and alignment on the other. If you're interested, you can shop them HERE and HERE.

So, what’s your word for 2025? I want to know! Drop it in the comments, send me a DM, or scream it into the void—whatever works. And if you’re feeling inspired, go order yourself a bracelet with your word on it. (Bonus points if we’re bracelet twins.)

Cheers to a year of alignment, where our actions match our values, our priorities bring us peace, and we move closer to the life we’re meant to live.

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